Next Steps with Iran
Assuming the current multi-lateral negotiations fail, which appears very likely, what are the options with Iran?
- Give them nuclear fuel in exchange for more monitoring
- "Heavy sanctions"
- Do nothing
- Encourage internal upheaval by supporting Iranian reformers/revolutionaries
- Regime change a la Iraq
Not a lot of great choices currently. North Korea exploited choices 1,2 and 3 above to get where they are today. I don't think current policy is against negotiation with Iran, however, to be pragmatic, you have an alternative approach when negotiations won't work.
This spectrum of choices illustrates the difference between stability-oriented "realism" and the Bush doctrine. The ex-state department authors of the Foreign Affairs article you cited are classical stability-promoting realists. The summary of the article is that multilateral negotiations are good because the result has been stability even though North Korea flouted agreements and nuclear-fuel bargains made throughout the 90's. However, North Korea is not the state-sponsor of terrorism that Iran is.
The Bush doctrine promotes freedom as the driving factor in fighting terrorism and increasing safety, and implies that stability as a goal is not enough. It's not at all clear how the US can engender free societies in places like Iran, but nuclear proliferation in terrorism-sponsoring states is a good reason to think about how to do that.