Terror Debate

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Israeli Homeland Security Successes

Should we look at Israel's approach as a successful model for handling homeland security? According to nationmaster.com 177 Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks in 2003

This graph shows deaths on both sides since the Intifada began - fascinating, but sobering. Clearly 2004 is turning out better for Israel than 2003.

Strategypage (August 17) cites that only 24 Israelis have died this year as a result of Palestinian suicide bomb attacks. The key techniques in reducing suicide bombings:

The Israelis used a combination of better intelligence gathering, special commando units for operating inside Palestinian territory and better security at the border and inside Israel. In other words, the Israelis set up multiple defenses against suicide bombers.

Obviously the differences in dealing with terrorism in your homeland versus fighting a global network abroad are many, but Israels multi-pronged approach is a good model for homeland security.